预订 Security Protocols XVIII: 18th International Workshop, Ca
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预订 Titanium Science and Technology [ISBN:9781475713480]
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预订 Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications: 12th Inter
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预订 Information Hiding: 13th International Conference, Ih 201
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预订 The Logic of Partial Information [ISBN:9783642781629]
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预订 Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing: 7th Inte
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预订 Fuzziness and Medicine: Philosophical Reflections and App
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预订 Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation: 26th In
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预订 Software Project Management for Distributed Computing: Li
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预订 Nanoclay Reinforced Polymer Composites: Natural Fibre/Nan
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预订 Structure of Membranes and Receptors [ISBN:9781489953698]
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预订 Computational Evolution of Neural and Morphological Devel
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预订 Advances in Swarm Intelligence: 8th International Confere
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预订 Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency: 39t
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预订 Embedded Operating Systems: A Practical Approach [ISBN:97
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预订 Smart Stem-Driven Computer Science Education: Theory, Met
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预订 Coding Theory and Applications: 5th International Castle
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3-6周达 Thermoelectric Thin Films: Materials and Devices [ISBN
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3-6周达 Sustainable Development Through Engineering Innovation
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3-6周达 Microstructure and Properties of Micro- and Nanoscale
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3-6周达 Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies
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预订 Plant-Fungal Pathogen Interaction: A Classical and Molecu
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预订 Cavity-Enhanced Spectroscopy and Sensing [ISBN:9783662510
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预订 Electric Vehicle Batteries: Moving from Research Towards
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