3-6周达 Modeling and Simulation in Chemical Engineering: Proje
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预订 Building Energy Modeling with Openstudio: A Practical Gui
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3-6周达 Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science: 5th
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3-6周达 Design Automation for Field-coupled Nanotechnologies [
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3-6周达 Handbook of Poultry Feed from Waste: Processing and Us
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预订 Progress in Pacific Polymer Science: Proceedings of the F
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3-6周达 Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions:
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3-6周达 40 Years Valentiny Architects: Stories from the Inside
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3-6周达 Bioinspired Water Harvesting, Purification, and Oil-Wa
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3-6周达 Model Organisms to Study Biological Activities and Tox
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3-6周达 Turbulence and Interactions [ISBN:9783030658199]
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3-6周达 Materials Characterization [ISBN:9783319384061]
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预订 Neuro-Inspired Computing Using Resistive Synaptic Devices
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预订 Glass Structures: Design and Construction of Self-Support
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3-6周达 The Activation of Dioxygen and Homogeneous Catalytic O
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3-6周达 Mathematical Structures of Ergodicity and Chaos in Pop
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3-6周达 Social Issues in Sustainable Fisheries Management [ISB
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预订 Progress in Botany / Fortschritte Der Botanik: Morphology
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3-6周达 Measurement of the Antineutrino Double-Differential Ch
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预订 Energy Harvesting and Energy Efficiency: Technology, Meth
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3-6周达 Constraint Handling in Metaheuristics and Applications
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3-6周达 Buckling of Shells: Proceedings of a State-Of-The-Art
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3-6周达 Wastewater Reuse and Management [ISBN:9789400749412]
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预订 Elements of Structural Optimization [ISBN:9789401578646]
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