3-6周达 Wearable Electronics Sensors: For Safe and Healthy Liv
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3-6周达 Airborne Wind Energy: Advances in Technology De [ISBN:
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3-6周达 Springer Handbk of Enzymes: Supplement Vol S5 C [ISBN:
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3-6周达 Special Topics in Structural Dynamics, Volume 6 [ISBN:
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3-6周达 Crowdsourcing Geographic Knowledge: Volunteered Geogra
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3-6周达 Discrete Computational Mechanics of Masonry Structures
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3-6周达 Microstructure Atlas of P22 Steel [ISBN:9789819901166]
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3-6周达 Security and Privacy in Social Networks and Big Data:
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3-6周达 Proceedings of International Conference on Computation
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3-6周达 Carl Auer Von Welsbach: Chemist, Inventor, Entr [ISBN:
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3-6周达 Deep Learning Technologies for the Sustainable Develop
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3-6周达 Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing: Est
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3-6周达 Building Pathologies: Experimental Campaigns and Numer
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3-6周达 Deformation and Flow of Solids / Verformung und Fliess
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3-6周达 Implementation and Application of Automata: 22nd Inter
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预订 Turbulent Shear Flows I: Selected Papers from the First I
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3-6周达 Metasurfaces: Towards Tunable and Reconfigurable Meta-
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3-6周达 Content-Centric Networks: An Overview, Applications an
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3-6周达 The Language of Creative AI: Practices, Aesthetics and
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3-6周达 Intelligence for Future Cities: Planning Through Big D
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3-6周达 Multi-Scale Simulation of Composite Materials: Results
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3-6周达 Social Simulation for a Digital Society: Applic [ISBN:
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预订 Advances in Computer Graphics: Images: Synthesis, Analysi
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3-6周达 Transactions on Large-Scale Data- And Knowledge-Center
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