预订 Innovating Education in Technology-Supported Environments
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预订 Sustaining Communities of Practice with Early Career Teac
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预订 Sustainability in the Textile and Apparel Industries: Sus
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预订 Risk Management [ISBN:9783030883737]
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预订 Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction: Second
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预订 Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health [ISBN:97
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预订 Smart Grid Security: Second International Workshop, Smart
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预订 Analysis of Shells, Plates, and Beams: A State of the Art
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预订 RFID Technologies for Internet of Things [ISBN:9783319837
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预订Indigenous Stem Education: Perspectives from the Pacific I
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预订 Spatial Cognition X: 13th Biennial Conference, Kogwis 201
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预订 Advances in Databases and Information Systems: 22nd Europ
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预订Direct Methods for Limit State of Materials and Structures
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预订 Software Engineering and Formal Methods: 15th Internation
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预订 Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems: Pro
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预订Active Array Antennas for High Resolution Microwave Imagin
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预订 Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Patter
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预订 Algorithms for Sensor Systems: 13th International Symposi
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预订 Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: 17th Internat
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3-6周达 Pattern Analysis of the Human Connectome [ISBN:9789813
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3-6周达 Systems Neuroscience and Rehabilitation [ISBN:97844315
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预订 Iterative Approximation of Fixed Points [ISBN:97835407223
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3-6周达 Orthopedic Surgical Oncology for Bone Tumors: A Case S
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预订 Complex Algebraic Varieties: Proceedings of a Conference
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