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【中商原版】相约星期二 英文原版 Tuesdays With Morrie 英文版 进口正版
预售 【中商原版】原子习惯:微小习惯对生活的巨大影响力 台版 Atomic Habits 建立好习惯打破坏习惯的简单方法by James Clea
海外直订Reification and the Aesthetics of Music 真实化与音乐美学
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海外直订The Fifth Dimension: Volume 12 第五维度:第12卷
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海外直订Wittgenstein on Aesthetic Understanding 维特根斯坦论美学理解
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海外直订Evoking the Sublime Through Dance: Embodiment, Music, an
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海外直订The Cultural Promise of the Aesthetic 美学的文化承诺
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海外直订The African Aesthetic: Keeper of the Traditions 非洲美学:传统的
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海外直订The Philosophy of Art: The Question of Definition: From
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海外直订Deleuze and the Schizoanalysis of Literature 德勒兹与文学的精神分裂
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海外直订Sweet Sadness: My Walks with the Muse of Victorian Cemet
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海外直订Aesthetics and Modernity: Essays by Agnes Heller 美学与现代性:
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海外直订Aesthetics and Neuroscience: Scientific and Artistic Per
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海外直订New Philosophies of Film: An Introduction to Cinema as a
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海外直订Belcaro - Being Essays on Sundry Aesthetical Questions 贝
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海外直订The Foundations of Aesthetics, Art, and Art Education 美学
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海外直订Head Cases: Julia Kristeva on Philosophy and Art in Depr
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海外直订Mimesis: Metaphysics, Cognition, Pragmatics 模仿:形而上学,认知学,
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海外直订The Poetics of Aristotle 亚里士多德的诗学
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海外直订On Art and Artists: An Anthology of Diderot's Aesthetic
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海外直订Why Are We Attracted to Sad Music? 为什么我们会被悲伤的音乐所吸引?
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海外直订The Aesthetic Appreciation of Nature: Essays on the Aest
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海外直订Declaration of the Technical Word as Such a Play in One
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海外直订Adorno's Poetics of Form 阿多诺的形式诗学
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海外直订The Meaning of the Creative Act 创造性行为的意义
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海外直订Second Nature: Comic Performance and Philosophy 《第二天性:喜剧
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