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海外直订Science and Politics in the Ancient World 古代世界的科学与政治
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海外直订Transcendence of the Ego 超越自我
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海外直订Current Controversies in Philosophy of Science 当前科学哲学中的争
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海外直订Intentional Conceptual Change 有意识的观念改变
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海外直订Personality And The Frontal Lobes 人格和额叶
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海外直订Life After Work: A Psychological Guide to a Healthy Reti
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海外直订Psychoanalytic Treatment of Eating Disorders 饮食失调的精神分析治疗
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海外直订Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self 影响调节与自我的起源
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海外直订Understanding Political Participation 理解政治参与
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海外直订Watergate Remembered: The Legacy for American Politics 记
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海外直订Macroeconomic Policies and Poverty 宏观经济政策与减贫
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海外直订Harold Garfinkel: Studies of Work in the Sciences 哈罗德·加芬
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海外直订Methods of Criminological Research 犯罪学研究方法
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海外直订Knowledge, Virtue, and Action: Putting Epistemic Virtues
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海外直订Forensic Psychology in Context 语境中的法医心理学
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海外直订Item Response Theory 项目反应理论
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