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海外直订Multi-Grid Methods and Applications 多网格方法及其应用
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海外直订Mathematical Methods for Mechanical Sciences 机械科学的数学方法
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海外直订Academic Algebra: For the Use of Common and High Schools
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海外直订Ill-Posed Problems: Theory and Applications 不适定问题:理论与应用
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海外直订Boundary Integral Equations on Contours with Peaks 有峰等高线
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海外直订Number Theory: An Elementary Introduction Through Diopha
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海外直订Statistics for Physical Sciences: An Introduction 物理科学统计
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海外直订Asymptotic Theory of Statistics and Probability 统计与概率的渐近
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海外直订Algebraic Curves in Multiple-View Geometry 多视图几何中的代数曲线
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海外直订200 Challenging Math Problems every 3rd grader should kn
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