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海外直订The Discipline of Taste and Feeling 品味与情感的修炼
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海外直订The Poetics of Episteme-Art 认识论艺术的诗学
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海外直订In Vino Veritas: Wine: A Cosmic Synthesis and the Emerge
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海外直订The Helmholtz Legacy in Physiological Acoustics 生理声学的亥姆霍
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海外直订A New Theory of Beauty 《美的新理论
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海外直订A Conception of Symbolic Truth 迈向世界文明
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海外直订The Song of Strawberry 草莓之歌
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海外直订Expanded Painting: Ontological Aesthetics and the Essenc
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海外直订The Aesthetics of Self-Becoming: How Art Forms Empower 自
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海外直订Modernism and Coherence: Four Chapters of a Negative Aes
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海外直订Decolonial Aesthetics II: Modes of Relating 非殖民化美学II:关联模
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海外直订Kant's Aesthetic Theory: An Introduction 康德美学理论导论
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海外直订Aesthetic Pursuits: Essays in Philosophy of Art 美学追求:艺术哲
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海外直订Baumgarten's Aesthetics: Historical and Philosophical Pe
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海外直订Art as Capital: The Intersection of Science, Technology,
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海外直订A History of Aesthetic 美学的历史
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海外直订Space, Geometry and Aesthetics: Through Kant and Towards
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海外直订TOGAF(R) Vers?o 9.1 - Um Guia De Bolso Togaf的数值吗?9.1 -袖珍
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海外直订Objects of Authority: A Postformalist Aesthetics 权威对象:后形
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海外直订Borges and Philosophy: Self, Time, and Metaphysics 博尔赫斯与
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海外直订Race, Philosophy, and Film 种族,哲学和电影
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